Sandra Rose Michael, renowned inventor, healer and world authority in the field of applied integrative biophysics, created the revolutionary technology of the Energy Enhancement System.
Her lifelong dedication and pioneering work have earned her accolades including entries in Presidential and International Who’s Who. Throughout her illustrious career, Dr Rose Michael has shared her expertise with leading universities around the world and currently contributes her vast knowledge to the Scientific Advisory Board of American Great Health.
Her contributions continue to shape the scientific community and bring transformative healing technologies to the forefront of health and wellness. Sandra Rose Michael was honoured at the World Congress of QiGong and TCM in 2008, where she received the prestigious ‘Qi Technology of the Year’ award. This was the first time the award had been presented outside China.
Sandra Rose Michael has worked with a number of well-known entities and experts, including NASA and John Orava, a doctor of physics and consultant to the Department of Defence. Dr Orava, who has also been an energy consultant to the Pentagon and President of the Bio-Physicists Foundation, has conducted extensive research into the effectiveness of EESystem technology.
Sandra Rose Michael received the prestigious CLD Person of the Year Award 2024, which recognises her innovative contributions and leadership in the field.